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Kundalini is an oniric 360° runner game where the player is riding around the water-body of a gigantic furious dragon and has to reach and ring bells in order to appease it.

The whole game consists to reach the head of the dragon in order to bring it to peace, while passing through unique and stunning environment.
In this phantasmagoric game, the player has to use the gamepad
to move the character and make it dodge obstacles while running forward.
As the
dragon is getting more and more furious, he/she has to pick up Lotus to charge energy and then to ring bells to calm it down. Otherwise if the dragon gets totally angry, the player will be ejected.


Game Design : Concept, Gameplay, Controls, Drafting documents

Level Design

Level Building​

​About the development
The game was developed on Unity within only two weeks by a team of 22 students through a workshop in partnership with Gameloft.
The gamefeel and the controls of the game were especially worked out in order to get something really enjoyable to play.

About me

I'm technical, versatile, autonomous and eager to learn. I hope to bring a part of myself in my work and in the projects entrusted to me.

Latest projects

Waven - Tactical MMORPG


Lyna's Guardian - Adventure'em All


Kundalini - 360° oniric runner



+33 659.350.689



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